Native animal and bird watching

Native Animals at Huon Bush Retreats

Set in a private nature reserve, you will find natural eco systems just outside your cabin.

Many plants and animals can be seen from your cabin or tipee, the roadways and campground. The wheelchair accessible lookout is a great place for bird watching. Just after dusk the possums are active and you may be lucky enough to see a quoll, owl or micro bat.

Please drive slowly at night to keep our animals safe


Many Tasmanian animals are nocturnal, that is, they are active at night time. During the day, they sleep, but come nightfall, the bush transforms.

The creatures at Mt Misery Habitat Reserve are native. We respect the fact that we are staying in their home. They are protected in their natural habitat where we can observe them.

Guaranteed sightings are the Brush Tailed Possum and Rufous Wallaby. Likely sitings are bats, moths and perhaps a quoll or bandicoot or Bennett’s Wallaby. You will probably hear owls and Ringtail possums. Look high in the trees and you might be lucky to see one. Bettongs are very shy, but you can see their diggings in the forest.

We sometimes raise orphans, hand feeding as often as every two hours day and night. Subject to the welfare of the animal, we can sometimes show you a baby or young animal.

As a release site for rehabilitated animals, many of our residents have been hand raised and are very friendly. Please do not feed them as the wrong food can make them sick. Do not feed the possums as it can make them become aggressive. Possums can be very demanding and have little fear of humans. They have sharp claws and can scratch.


Birds are most abundant by day, with several dozen species regularly seen. If you are awake at dawn you may hear a spectacular bird chorus. Regular sightings of large birds include the threatened Wedge Tailed Eagle, Black Cockatoos, Sulphur Crested Cockatoos and Currawongs (pictured). Dozens of smaller species including blue wren and flame breasted robin, can be found in the shrubs throughout the village and in the forest canopy.

By night, several species of owl and nightjar can often be heard and occasionally seen.

An identification book is usually available for loan from reception.

Snakes and ants

Snakes are seen throughout the warmer months. If you do not wish to see snakes, we suggest that you walk with heavy steps. The snakes will feel your approaching footsteps through the ground and will hide before you get close. If you are bitten by a snake, stay absolutely still, have someone else firmly bandage the affected limb, and send for urgent medical assistance. Snake bandages are located at the camp kitchen area and at reception. 

On the Mount Misery walks there are Jack Jumper ant mounds. Do not go close to them as the ant has a painful bite.
